We understand that moving your horse to their new stable can be stressful. We offer complimentary taxi service for all new horses making Kyle Canyon Ranch their new home. We will bring our horse trailer to your horse’s current location within Las Vegas and assist you with loading your horse and tack.
- Mare Motels with 20X20 or 16×20 covered stalls
- Feedings twice daily with the food of your choice*
- Lunch Feeding Available*
- Fresh Clean Water
- Salt Blocks Provided
- Fly Control
- Lighted Rock Free Sand Arena
- 2 Round Pens
- Large Clean Tack Rooms
- Wash Racks
- TurnOuts*
- Blanketing*
- Electric Entry Gate
* services available at additional charge: Lunch, Blanketing, Turn outs. Prices vary depending on food selection.
Shoeing – Our farrier comes once a week. Your horse’s foot care can be scheduled by you. You do not have to be on site when our farrier shoes your horse. If you use your farrier just let us know when they are coming.
Vet Care – Our veterinary is first rate. We will schedule your vaccinations, you do not have to be present when he comes out.

© 2015 - 2023 Kyle Canyon Ranch